Sama お疲れさまですした! 韓国の文化おしえてくれて감사합니다!! Nos vemos en cualquier parte del world!👋💫 Wait for the last Sama blog very soon! サマのラストーのブログ待って下さい!!👐 Sama,いってらっしゃい!
HELLO! HOLA! こんにちわ ! I’m Nicol and I am the new LEX America Intern, and I am so excited to be here! I will be in Japan for 1 year working at the LEX Hippo office. I don’t know exactly what to expect, but I hear I will be busy and learn many new things! (Please excuse all the english I'm still learning😅) A Little About Me: I am from a tiny town in Oregon USA! I love sports, and almost anything outdoors. I played a lot of volleyball and track and field in high school . ( スポーツすき です ) 😂When I went to college I picked up ultimate frisbee and a little game called spikeball. I have been in 4-H since I was 9 years old and it is how I got involved with LEX- HIPPO Family Club, this amazing program. I’ve hosted 5 month long exchange students, 1 year long exchange student, and participated in a month long homestay to Japan 5 years ago! Since then I have been looking forward to coming back to Japan, little did I know I'd be working for LEX Hippo Me in Kyoto 5 years a...