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Maddie- I'm dreaming of... Sashimi and Christmas cake!

I`m dreaming of...sashimi and Christmas cake!

Cooking class fun with Nancy, intern from Taiwan
Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! Happy New Year! 2016 is here, did you make (or break) any resolutions? I`ve made a few for myself, hopefully I can stick to them:

  • Appreciate each and every day. It`s easy to look at the past or future with rose-colored glasses, and while a little nostalgia or anticipation is fine, it`s oh-so important to cherish the current moment. This year abroad is a truly special event, and there is always something new and amazing to experience every single day. I`m taking plenty of pictures--which reminds me of the beauty in everyday life. 
  • Love my friends, and make many new ones. LEX offers the spectacular opportunity to meet all sorts of fascinating people, of all generations. I want to continue to make great connections with people from around the world. It broadens your mind and opens your heart!
  • Improve my Japanese skills. Whenever I think I haven`t made progress, I look back to before I came to Japan. How nervous I would have been to spontaneously speak Japanese in front of large audiences! Now, I barely blink an eye. But, there is plenty of improvement to be made. I`ve bought some new books, so I can improve on my reading comprehension. To expand my language repertoire, I`ve also started listening to the Hippo CD`s in Korean, and I anticipate adding Mandarin Chinese to the rotation soon.
My host dad and I in front of Kinkakuji
I think these are some reasonable goals. Most importantly, I`ve identified the steps I need to take in order to achieve them. We`ll see how I`m doing by the end of the program.

So, what have I been up to since my last blog post? Where to start... There were several highlights in December, including a visit to Kyoto and Nara with my host parents. I think that Kyoto is a place that most people associate with the idea of "traditional Japan." Truly, it is a spectacular place. I really am grateful to my host parents for taking me there.

My host mom and I in Gion
After we arrived via Shinkansen (bullet train), we hit the ground running. We visited Nara`s deer park, the Daibutsu, (giant Buddha staue), Kinkakuji (Golden Temple), Ginkakuji (Silver Temple), Gion (the famous geisha district), and more temples and shrines than I have ever seen. Even though it was already December, the koyo (changing color of the leaves ) was in its full scarlet and golden brilliance. Despite the tourist crowd, there really is a sense of refinement and elegance about the place. Several fellow pedestrians were donning rented kimonos--but turns out that most of them were tourists from China! It was a bit too cold for the Japanese (and me! Some Wisconsinite I am).

Note the big ol` 4-H clover on my photo album
I`ve also been lucky to participate in several Kokusairikaijugyou (International Understanding Classes). These are special classes put on by LEX members at local schools, usually middle and elementary schools. There we do lots of activities, such as multilingual games and cultural presentations. I am asked to do presentations on American life and culture. In a mixture of Japanese and some English vocabulary, I share photos and stories of my life in America and Wisconsin--on food, family, nature, school life, and holidays. During December, I presented on my family`s celebration of Christmas. The children were amazed to discover that Christmas cake is not a phenomenon in America, that you do NOT eat a gingerbread house, and that you can cut your own Christmas tree.

On two instances, I was lucky to be invited to eat lunch with the children. Japanese school lunch is a bit different than my experience in Wisconsin. For one, the kids, not staff, serve each other. Food is prepared by staff, brought to each classroom (no cafeteria!), and then the children, wearing smocks, face masks, and hairnets, dish everything out to their classmates. After two students lead everyone in the ritual saying of "itadakimasu" ("bon appétit," or "thanks for the food"), everyone eats together at their desks. The kids are extremely cute, and ask me ton of rapid-fire questions..."What`s your favorite sport?" "What games do kids play in America?" "How tall are you?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" "What`s your type [of guy]?" The last two gave me a good laugh!

Milk, tonjiru (a pork and vegetable stew), tomato rice,
and baked fish with breadcrumbs
From the two times I ate kyuushoku (school lunch), it seemed to me that the fare was healthier than what I ate as a kid. At my elementary school, we were always served one vegetable side (green beans, broccoli, corn), a fruit (canned peaches, pears), a main dish (hamburger, french toast, chicken nuggets, tator tot casserole...), a dessert, and a milk (chocolate, 2% or skim). The milk is present in Japan as well, whole, white, served in a small glass bottle. The rest is pretty different. No dessert, vegetables are incorporated into most if not all of the dishes, and there`s more fish, less meat. I thought all of the food was yummy, and of good quality. While I do occasionally miss the stuffed crust pizza from elementary school, so far the schools here have won me over!

The Christmas Day spread
In Japan it`s common to eat cake on
Christmas. White sponge with whipped
cream and strawberries is most popular.
Now...the big highlights of the past several weeks: Christmas and New Year`s. I was definitely preparing myself for a different sort of Christmas this year. From my experience as an exchange coordinator at 4-H, typically, the winter holiday season is the hardest time for exchange students. The cold weather, family holiday can really make you homesick. However, as I was amazed to discover, my homesickness was very minimal. Not only was I intrigued by the Japanese celebration of Christmas, I felt surrounded by love and support from family and friends (both in Japan and back home). The only time I felt down was on Christmas Eve, when I had to work. It felt mundane and routine...not what I usually associate with that day. However, I am so lucky to have my great friend and co-worker, Kahye-chan. I told her I was feeling down, and so we went out to lunch together and had a nice conversation. Thanks to her, I finished the workday with a smile on my face.

My host mom went all out on Christmas Eve, making a delicious meal, setting a beautiful table, and even getting me a present. I was extremely touched by her, and the rest of my host family`s, efforts. Even though I knew I had to work the next day, my heart was filled with holiday cheer.

Christmas Day was extraordinary as well. After work, I made a batch of walnut and chocolate fudge, which we brought to a party at my host aunt`s and uncle`s. We had dinner with their family, my host sister`s boyfriend, and Paco, a former LEX yearlong student from Mexico who is now studying abroad in Japan. Paco had come to Wisconsin through the LEX Mexico/WI 4-H exchange several years ago, so it was great to catch up! We enjoyed all kinds of delicious food--sashimi, hand-rolled sushi, spring rolls, salad, fudge, and more! That day I truly felt that "Christmas spirit," of family, friends, and love.

New Year`s threshold decoration
Christmas lead right into New Year`s, still carrying with it that sense of family and togetherness. I participated in New Year`s traditions, such as watching the televised New Year`s Eve musical performances, hectically cooking osechi ryouri (the many particular dishes of the New Year`s) with my host sister and mom before the family party, visiting a local shrine to wish for good things in 2016, and of course, relaxing with family at home. In America, for New Year`s, I usually had dinner and drinks with friends, maybe went to a party. This year, I was able to immerse myself in the Japanese New Year`s traditions. What a great way to kick off 2016!  

I feel so enthusiastic about the rest of my time in Japan! Four, almost five, months have passed by so quickly. I look back at all the amazing things I have been able to experience, and I feel so grateful. I truly look forward to all the new adventures that this year will bring! I look forward to sharing them with you.

(A quick shout-out, if you have Instagram, and are interested in seeing more of my pictures of life in Japan, please follow me @alreadyinorbit. I post quite often. Thank you!).            


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