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Maddie- The First of Many New Experiences

The First of Many New Experiences

So, what have my first weeks been like in Japan?


Truly, it has been a busy couple of weeks here, but not overwhelmingly so. Furthermore, I`d prefer to be kept busy! Too much free time = too much thinking = homesickness. By keeping a full, fun schedule, with some relaxing and downtime, I can keep engaged with my surroundings, make new friends, and stay sane. To prevent a wall of text, let me break down for you some of my recent activities. So far, I have:

  • Presented about my life in Wisconsin to classes of middle school and elementary school students.
  • Eaten kaiten-zushi, or conveyor belt sushi. 

  • Been interviewed about my biggest surprise when I came to Japan (it`s bluntness in regards to appearance, people won`t hesitate to call someone fat, or tell you that you`ve gotten skinny since they last saw you. As I`ve seen it, it`s never been malicious, just matter-of-fact). 
Post filming. To my right is Kahye,
intern from South Korea. She asked questions
in Korean, while I answered in English.

  • Gone to two overnight camps. One at the Olympic Youth Center in Yoyogi Park (Tokyo), and another one in Saitama (2 hours away by car), in the mountains.
  • Gone shopping with my host sister in Kichijoji--a fun, youthful neighborhood by the station I use when going to work.
  • Eaten tomato ramen (Italian-style ramen).
Dat mozzarella tho

  • Had dinner in Shibuya (downtown Tokyo) with a friend from University of Wisconsin. Go Badgers!
  • Experienced an evening party at the Hippo Camp in Saitama, complete with live performances, snacks, and alcohol (the latter for legally-aged adults only). It reminded me that, "Ah, I`m not at 4-H anymore..." It`s a good reminder that various cultures and institutions have different perceptions of when it`s appropriate to imbibe. Neither is better or worse...just different!
  • Met other Hippo interns from Mexico, Taiwan, South Korea, and France!
Nancy from Taiwan and Ivan from Mexico!

  • Made ohagi, chewy rice cakes with red bean paste or roasted soy powder, with my host mom for Ohigan, a Buddhist holiday celebrated in autumn and spring. 
  • Participated in the LMP speech, a multilingual speech contest held by LEX for high school students and young adults. Participants had to use at least three languages in their presentation! I used English, Japanese, German and Spanish.

  • Tried my hand at pounding fresh mochi, a delicious, sticky, rice cake.

  • Ridden the trains and buses by myself on almost a daily basis (no big mess-ups yet, knock on wood).
  • Eaten oodles of my host mother`s amazing cooking!
  • Tried on a high school uniform costume and took purikura (fancy photobooth pictures) with a Japanese friend who studied abroad at University of Wisconsin.

  • Gone on several walks/runs around my neighborhood, getting the feel of the place. 
  • Been touched by the kindness and patience of my host family, co-workers, and Hippo members, especially in regards to my slow Japanese.

...And that`s only part of it! It`s been a lively past three weeks, but I truly enjoyed every second of it. If I ever felt grumpy or tired, I reminded myself of the amazing opportunity I am taking part of (and then I made sure I got some exercise and a good night`s rest. Nothing like an evening walk and a solid eight hours to revamp your attitude). 

Well, September is almost over...Wow! I can`t wait to see what October brings.


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