I thought you all might want a quick "post-credit message" before I get on my plane and head back to the good ol' USA. Got a few weeks left, and my work is going to pick up the pace in August, so I figured that - while I'm on a roll - I'll work ahead schedule here and do this BONUS.
This year has been a crazy one. There have been lots of good things and a handful of different things. I've had a lot of people out here generically ask me, "So what did you learn as a LEX intern?" and my answer has been different every time.
So let's try specifying the question a bit more. "Danielle, what did you learn about homestay?"
I learned that it can be a good or learning experience, depending on many factors. But a lot of it depends on your own line of thinking and your overall attitude towards establishing relationships in a household of near-strangers. When counseling the year-long exchange students, homestay seemed to be the #1 make-it-or-break-it factor to their happiness abroad.
Personally, I learned how to rely on others a bit more. In my American lifestyle, I have independence. I have a college to graduate from, a job to go to, a car that can take me there, and a family to come home to at the end of the day and rant to if the day calls for it. In my current Japanese lifestyle, though - especially in the beginning - it wasn't quite like that. I didn't have my car, my responsibilities were different, and there were a number of times when I wasn't able to solve a problem on my own (like hospitals). And when I was helpless, I had to openly admit it (hard for the oldest of six siblings) and ask for help. My relying on my host mother, for example, was something I struggled with a bit towards the beginning. But I know that without that support, I'd still be trying to tough it out on my own.
"Danielle, what did you learn about LEX/Hippo?"
Hippo, too, has had ups and down like any other experience. The intern work itself was - at times - very daunting. But one of the things that made me happiest with my work most was being with the kids and learning from them. After all, they're more on my intellectual level anyway, especially in the ways of language. It can easily be overwhelming joining in a conversation with a bunch of adults or being with college kids and trying to make heads or tails of what they're saying.
But there's a bunch of cool things about kids that make you feel welcome no matter who you are. I remember visiting a school once, and I had a girl stare at me for a while then ask me, "Why are your eyes blue?" We laughed a bit as I explained to her, "Well, I'm from America, and see, my great-great grandparents came from here and there..." It was a really refreshing talk; especially compared to those who just stare and don't ask questions.
Another thing I learned from Hippo was how great an opportunity it is to meet other people and open your mind to other countries, too. Not just the relationship between Japan and America, but I met a lot of other great friends from Mexico, Korea, Brazil, and so on. I think LEX is a rare and absolutely great thing for Japan to have. Especially to get people more global-minded.
"Danielle, what did you learn about Japan?"
Lots and lots and lots. A really common response of mine has been, "There are things about Japan that I learned to love, and there are things I've learned to live with."
10 things I love are:
- The food. Some of my favorites are okonomiyaki, sukiyaki, curry, and anything they sell at a bakery.
- The shopping (clothes, gaming goods, you name it).
- It's so safe here. I could walk around Tokyo until 12:00AM if I wanted to, and I'd still feel okay being by myself.
- The medical system. I've been to the hospital about four times total; had xrays done, medication issued, and even had a camera go up my nose and into my throat... And all that cost less than $100 in total. Not kidding.
- The walks and exploring. I noticed I don't do enough of that in my American lifestyle.
- The karaoke, the purikura, the ufo catchers, and the lovely city view at night.
- Taking baths in the winter time. Did I ever tell you how much I love washing the baths?
- The customer service. So many store clerks have treated me with utmost patience with my horrible Japanese.
- The ocean and mountain view. Again, didn't see much of that in Illinois.
- The people. They're a kind lot. Sometimes, the staring and infatuation with foreigners is aggravating, but there have been multiple instances where I've had my faith in humanity restored out here.
5 things I've lived-with are:
- The people. Generically speaking, sometimes the way they think and enjoy their long meetings drives me crazy.
- How hot it is in the summer. Nothing you can do about it but fans and room-by-room air conditioning.
- Most bookstores (save a few good ones) don't let you open the book before you buy it. Seriously, why must you cover them in plastic? I'm a horrible judge of cover...
- Everything's written in Japanese, which is great, aside from all the kanji on the newspapers and websites and annoying ads you see on the windows of the train blocking your view.
- The crowds... on the trains...
"Danielle, what did you learn about yourself?"
I don't feel that I've changed, but I do feel I have learned. Let me just list a few quick things, generically speaking:
- How to ask people for help when you need it
- How it's not okay to say "okay" if you're not okay
- How important people are and how they can make a world of difference
- And how to smile for cameras (I'm getting there, I think)
"Could you see yourself going back to live in Japan?"
For another year or so, absolutely. But anything longer than that is a "who knows". But it's really good to know that I'll always have friends out here, too, that I can come back to and visit. :)
Also, you're welcome for the random picture of the Narita Airport. ...Only a matter of time now...
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