Merry Christmas, everyone!! It's been kinda hard to get the whole "Christmas spirit" feel this year, just because not many people seem to celebrate it like they do in the States. Because Christmas in America (let alone, in my household of eight) and Christmas in Japan are really quite different.
Here are a couple quick things I noticed:
1. People still work/go to school on 12/25. :o
2. It's mostly a time for young kids and is less celebrated when you get older.
3. 12/24 may be bigger than 12/25, and that's when my host family did their gift exchange (and I got my pajamas that I never want to change out of, because they are soooo comfy, thank you host mama!!)
4. It's not as family-oriented as their New Years celebration is. Christmas Day is more a time for friends to get together and chill. Whereas, New Years is when people travel to get together with their families and chill. Lots of chillin' going on in the winter time.
5. There aren't too many decorations around; mostly just when I go shopping do I hear the music and see the lights (Christmas cakes are definitely a thing out here, though).
This year, holidays are very different for me, since my family and I have always been very close. This is actually my first Christmas I've ever been away from home. Though I'm not able to spend it with my family, I do feel very lucky that I was able to celebrate the holidays with my favorite people that I met out here in Japan. I'm super grateful for them, why are you all so nice to me?! :D Thanks, buddies!
Also, looking forward to celebrating my first Japanese New Years! Can't wait to try some osechi (New Years feast)!
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