HIPPO Intern 2012-2013 (Daniel)
I think that my participation in various high school plays, yearly church Christmas plays, and innumerable high-school English class presentations have finally payed off!
I am constantly being asked to present, speak, and even MC at HIPPO events. These events range from a small to a very large number of audience members. The topics that I speak about include my experience of being a HIPPO intern, my discoveries while learning Japanese, living in a multicultural and multilingual environment, American culture and lifestyle, or any other topics that may be related.
Speaking about learning Japanese at my welcome party in Ota-ku.
I was a fellow at the Daigakuse Family. Leading everyone in my favorite "Song and Dance Activity" - Shampoo SADA!
I was an MC at event HIPPO hosted for Southeast Asian youth on the SSEAYP program. I spoke about my first encounter with the HIPPO as well as the importance of enhancing our world view by learning the languages of our neighbors.

Also, some exciting news! HIPPO is sending me to Osaka soon to conduct a few English interviews for future year-long exchange students. I'm pretty excited. Not only are English interviews a fun part of being an intern, but Osaka is well-known for its special foods. I'm planning eat lots of takoyaki! [fried octopus, mmm...]

A photo of Mount Fuji that I took on the way to work. Osaka is somewhere in that general direction.
I am constantly being asked to present, speak, and even MC at HIPPO events. These events range from a small to a very large number of audience members. The topics that I speak about include my experience of being a HIPPO intern, my discoveries while learning Japanese, living in a multicultural and multilingual environment, American culture and lifestyle, or any other topics that may be related.
Presenting to future year-long exchange students about the importance of living in another country.
Speaking about learning Japanese at my welcome party in Ota-ku.
I was a fellow at the Daigakuse Family. Leading everyone in my favorite "Song and Dance Activity" - Shampoo SADA!
I was an MC at event HIPPO hosted for Southeast Asian youth on the SSEAYP program. I spoke about my first encounter with the HIPPO as well as the importance of enhancing our world view by learning the languages of our neighbors.
Also, some exciting news! HIPPO is sending me to Osaka soon to conduct a few English interviews for future year-long exchange students. I'm pretty excited. Not only are English interviews a fun part of being an intern, but Osaka is well-known for its special foods. I'm planning eat lots of takoyaki! [fried octopus, mmm...]
A photo of Mount Fuji that I took on the way to work. Osaka is somewhere in that general direction.
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