Interesting Fact Three days ago, the first subway I took was delayed. I don't know why it was delayed . . . all the announcements were given in Japanese. All I know is that we sat at one station for a rather long time with the subway doors open (letting in quite a draft). By the end of our wait, I was very, very thankful that I was one of the few passengers lucky enough to have a seat! When the subway did eventually arrive at my transfer station, I passed a guard handing out pieces of paper. He was giving them to everybody, and I took one. I had no idea what it meant, but an inkling that it had something to do with the delay. The piece of paper Something I find funny when travelling is that for me (since I can't read any written form of Japanese) this message was as good as a cipher. I could make educated guesses as to its meaning, but beyond that, I was in the dark. In the meantime, for anyone who can read Japanese, this was as standard as as any subway ticket! ...