You Are '16 Going On '17: The First Thoughts of the New Year The Saitama Sky あけましておめでとうございます!皆んなさん、久しぶりだね?この四ヶ月に、本当にいっぱい事が有ったー楽しい事、面白い事、嬉しい事、悲しい事、全部も経験した。この新年、何の冒険があるかなー? Happy New Year everyone! It's been a while, but what a while it's been – it's a little difficult to believe that four months have zipped by, and that the buds of 2017 are slowly opening, but the months ahead promise to be filled with light and laughter. The pocket of time since my last post has been packed with adventures, ranging from my first solo Japanese flight, a shot at playing taiko, numerous failed attempts at making okonomiyaki and a number of successes at making Hainanese chicken rice, a slew of temporary host families and a shift to Yokohama. My farewell card, also known as the board that launched a thousand tears Saying goodbye to 2016 was tied up with saying goodbye to Saitama – a place which had, rather unsuspectingly, become home to me in the short span of a few month...