Living in Japan (Daniel) This is where I live in America: The center house is where I live in Japan : It's almost as though someone took my American house and flipped it on its side, and then shoved it in between two more flipped-over houses, and then added ten more houses in front of it. This is the norm in Tokyo. Japan has limited space because it is an island nation. To make things worse, around 70% of that space is uninhabitable due to mountains and forest. The result is extremely high population densities within cities - especially Tokyo. View of Tokyo from my house: Flipped-over houses are all over the place and people are literally living on top of each other. Tokyo congestion can be experienced first-hand when riding the metro during rush-hour. I think Japan is the only nation with "subway-pushers", whose job is to push people into trains because the doors won't close otherwise. Because space is so limited, everything is much smaller in...