ごちそうさま - Eating Well Signs advertising shirasu , tiny fish famous in Kamakura Today I would like to discuss a topic that is near and dear to my heart...food culture. It`s well known among my friends and family--and heck, probably anyone that I`ve had a substantial conversation with--I absolutely LOVE food. I love cooking, I love eating, I love talking about food, and I love talking about food WHILE eating food...It`s a subject that I never tire of! So naturally, it makes sense that I would hold interest in Japan`s food culture. When I came back in August, I brought with me a desire to taste and learn. Not only did I hope to sample a wide variety of Japanese cuisine, but also to try my own hand at preparing a variety of dishes. Part of the requirements for my visa is some sort of cultural learning. For this reason, American interns are expected to select an aspect of Japanese culture to study. Naturally, I had selected food. In order to fulfill this requirement, I ...