What do I do on the weekends? ~In pictures I take subways and take pictures of subways. I try new things, like eating "fast food" Japanese style. This is a ramen shop. Press the name of the food you want, insert your money, and you get a little ticket . . . A closer view, for those interested And a menu with pictures: very important if you can't read Japanese characters! After choosing what you want and getting a ticket, step inside the little shop. And within a few minutes, you can have this: Or this: I opted for a dish without an egg! Back to weekend activities . . . I visit new places; this is near Asakusa. And I take pictures of interesting buildings I attend LEX Fellow meetings . . . . . . Waiting to introduce myself in Japanese. It was my first time to do a long introduction, and at the point this picture was taken, I was praying I remembered everything! ...