Impressions Having never been to Japan before, many things were immediately new to me. While I've spent the last few days talking about the major changes I've been going through, there are many small ones that are what makes Japan so much fun. So today, I'm going to talk about some of those little things. Of course, Japan (and even Tokyo) is very diverse and I'm sure each thing I say will be somewhat contradictory. The first thing I have to mention because it is raining today - clear umbrellas are soo popular. I had seen maybe one before arriving in Japan and on my commute to work this morning I have already seen about 500. I would say they are more popular among young people with an alarmingly many among men. I saw some on sale at Don Quiote on my way in for ¥398, so I might have to pick one up on my way home... Another thing I was taken aback by was the amount of technology is cars. For the most part, the same vehicle could be found in the U.S. from t...